Links to recordings coming soon!


Musical Theatre

The Presidents! (Updated version) Book and lyrics by Steven Cole Hughes - 2020

Productions: Western Colorado University


The Geography of Adventure Book and lyrics by Steven Cole Hughes - 2012

Productions: Creede Repertory Theatre


The Presidents! Book and lyrics by Steven Cole Hughes - 2010

Productions: Creede Repertory Theatre (twice), The Coterie Theatre (twice), UC Boulder, Sacramento Players, various high schools


Zeus on The Loose Book and lyrics by T. Jefferson Carey - 2009

Productions: Creede Repertory Theatre, The Coterie Theatre, Maples Repertory Theatre


Swiss Family Robinson Book and lyrics by T. Jefferson Carey - 2008

Productions: Creede Repertory Theatre


Scruff Turbo and The Children of the Future Book and lyrics by T. Jefferson Carey - 2008

Productions: Creede Repertory Theatre, Durango Arts Center


Grimm Pajamas Book and lyrics by T. Jefferson Carey - 2008

Productions: Creede Repertory Theatre, Maples Repertory Theatre


Meet the Beasts Book and lyrics by T. Jefferson Carey - 2007

Productions: Creede Repertory Theatre


Lullaby Bay: a play for brave children Book and lyrics by T. Jefferson Carey - 2007

Productions: Creede Repertory Theatre, Karis House



Maggie’s Song from The Rough - 2020

Productions: The Catamounts


Quintet for parents watching a child’s production of Peter Pan - 2017

Performed at Creede Repertory Theatre Gala


Pants on Fire: a totally made-up musical for kids with Joe Montelione - 2013-2017

Productions: Creede Repertory Theatre (multiple revivals)  


Porphyria’s Lover, a mini opera based upon the poem by Robert Browning  - 2008

Productions: Bailiwick Directors Festival

Original Scores for Plays

The Bad Man by Steven Cole Hughes - Creede Repertory Theatre - 2011

The Joy of Going Somewhere Definite by Quincy Long - Creede Repertory Theatre - 2010

Billy Hell* (World Premiere) by Steven Cole Hughes - Creede Repertory Theatre - 2008

*The Denver Post Ovation Award for Best Original Music